|_ Spite-love poems

fast-travel back to home

[i have way more than these, theyre just the ones im most proud of] [also this is scary and hhhhhh]

grave stone peak [5/21/2023]

On the peak

Stand all alone

The clouds are ashen white

The sky wants your lungs

On the peak

Feel a call deep down

The pit under the peak

Its sharp teeth’s stare bleak

On the peak

Lean on your gravestone

The moss is dry gray

It grips your collar bones

When you fall to the pits

It will divide your body in bits

And your gravestone

Will not crumble

Under its own weight

Your gravestone will not crumble

On lonely grave stone peak

sore of your heart [6/4/2023] [about LL ethdubs]

Hold me like a grudge

like your fragile flower

I’ll be yours

and you’ll be mine

My moonshine shower

When i’m gone

and you’re still standing

I’ll burrow into your heart

so you’ll always have something

that can hurt

I'm your soft spot

I bruise and blacken with each hit

I'm sorry you can’t bring yourself

to cut off what is left of me

You’re my survivor

I’ll rot with you


- questions to self [10/1/2023] [martyn POV]

Stained hand again and again

Tell me, is the axe you wield your own?

Is the shield you hold made by your hands?

Or are they someone else's?

Did you live to forage armor?

Or die under your own flag?

Tell me, which would you prefer?

Did you die with your king?

Did your corpse lay rotting?

Did you grow a dogwood together?

If you had the chance, would you have stayed buried?

- questions to self

Beloved king [10/29/2023] [treebark]

To forget is to move on

To move on is to stop hurting

To stop hurting is to heal

To heal is to forget

I have never stopped bleeding

From the cracks my tears have etched

And the fragment it tore out of me

Is the piece of heart i gave to you

An axe used only for war and hurt

Will never fit in a carpenter’s hand

The grip is wrong, causing splinters

The wolf is dead, headless on its grave

A soul stained when meant to be clean

white rag soaking up blood on the stones

An alter is built by those very paws

Deep engravings in the fabric now red

A dead knight lays with his red king

Its fur stained and matted - braided

Neck with exposed bone and muscle

From a bloody hand’s unwilling cruelty