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wow... take a look at all these signs... cool, right ? [warning for some minor flashing]

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image ID one: a small black with a red boarder and a red heart on each side. there is small red pixelated text, reading 'filled with determination!'. end ID.

image ID two: a tiny black box with a pastel yellow and red dashed boarder and a fire on each side made with the same colors. there is small pixelated text that flashes that same pastel yellow and red, it reads, 'pog through the pain', in all caps. end ID.

image ID three: a large black box with a color shifting rainbow boarder and big flashing pixelated rainbow text with a line on top and bottom of it, it reads, 'hold that rock !! /vpos' in all caps. end ID.

image ID four: a large box that is a gradient between purple on the left and blue on the right. there are rainbow pastel flashing stars in the background and big white pixelated taxt reading, 'kill the horrors' in all caps. there is also a dancing rainbow star with a smiley face on the right. end ID.

image ID five: a black box with blue and yellow star, some of which flicker. there is big white pixelated text that reads, 'stars are happy tears'. end ID.